Donuts are prominent for a variety of reasons. Donuts with lots of sprinkles can make everyone's day better. They are uplifting and pair well with coffee. They are easily accessible and can also be enjoyed in the early morning or late at night. The ambiance could be created for the entire day with just one mouthful of those creamy spherical treats. Get more about the donut places in Albuquerque , if you're in desire for this one right now. Here is a list of five locations in the United States where you can enjoy this delicious treat. AMY'S DONUT: PARADISE FOR DONUT LOVERS. Choices are highlighted at Amy's Donuts as they believe that each person has a unique perspective on what makes a great donut. These donuts come with a variety of glazes and toppings, including yeast and cake varieties. You can tell that a lot of thought went into making these baked donuts, though, because each one is unique. Amy's Donuts will amaze your heart and sense of...